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Frank Bradford (49)

Director - Sheet and Plate Products
B. Sc (Eng), GDE, MBA

Years service
16 years with Hulamin, appointed to the board in 1997

Role at Hulamin
Frank is responsible for Sheet and Plate products in Rolled Products. This includes responsibility for brazing sheet, heat treated plate and general engineering products. Also in Frank’s portfolio are procurement activities, including metal contracts.

How has your experience prepared you for your role?
Over the years, I have been fortunate to have been involved in negotiating major contracts, building successful teams, developing new products in line with our evolving manufacturing capability, project feasibility studies and risk management.

What is your vision for Hulamin?
My vision for Hulamin is to establish itself as an expanding, profitable, independent niche aluminium semifabrication business, contributing to the growth of aluminium fabrication in South Africa.

What do you see as the toughest challenges facing the business in the coming years?

Growing the demand for our products in the local market is an important, yet challenging task. A second and equally important task is to improve our cost competitiveness in the face of low cost imports from China.

Frank is married to Carol and they have a son and a daughter, David and Christie. Frank is a competitive squash player and enjoys mountain biking, hiking and golf.